Sabtu, 04 Desember 2021

Altrient Lypo Spheric C Vitamin

Altrient Lypo Spheric C Vitamin


Altrient Liposomal vitamin C health supplements use cutting-edge Liposomal Encapsulation Technology (also known as lypo-spheric) to ensure maximised absorption, into your bloodstream and onto your cells, where good health and beauty begins.

Most ordinary forms of oral Vitamin C – tablets, capsules, powders, liquids and even dietary sources are not metabolised efficiently due to tightly regulated absorption controls in the body. This means that levels of vitamin C in the intestines reaches saturation point at as little as 200mg. In fact, the more we take in the less we absorb. Thus, very little reaches your blood stream let alone the cells where it is needed most. Until recently intravenous delivery of vitamin C has proven to be the most effective route for absorption, but this method is both costly and impractical.

Altrient C offers the perfect solution because of its scientifically proven liposomal delivery method. This powerful form of transportation encapsulates the nutrient in a microscopic phospholipid bubble that carries it within minutes directly to the cells, protecting it from the destructive elements of the digestive system. Altrient C is the most effective option for ensuring your body has adequate vitamin C levels.

Highly absorbable, clinically tested, vitamin C.

A small study which compared Altrient C to standard ascorbic acid powder revealed three positive advantages

  1. Supplementing with Altrient C enables vitamin C to remain in the bloodstream for a longer time frame
  2. Altrient C enabled vitamin C to remain in the bloodstream at the highest level for 30% longer
  3. Supplementing with Altrient C compared to ascorbic acid powder enabled a faster uptake of vitamin C into cells.

The data show that liposomal ascorbate resulted in faster intake by cells.

Altrient Liposomal Vitamin Skin Awards 2020

According to livon we're celebrating as Altrient C has scooped up another beauty award. This week Altrient C was announced as the WINNER of the Best Skincare Supplement in the Marie Claire Skin Awards 2020 as voted for by industry experts.

A great affirmation for our message that vitamin C, when delivered into the body in the right way – the Altrient way – can help your skin tremendously. you can try contact with www.natural best  health food store in Glasgow.

How Altrient Solved The Problem of Vitamin C AbsorptionLIPOSOMAL VITAMIN C SUPPLEMENT

In 2004 LivOn Labs, creators of Altrient liposomal vitamin C, discovered a way to improve vitamin C absorption significantly. They pioneered the use of Liposomal Encapsulation Technology to protect vitamin C from being destroyed in our digestive system when taken orally, this was not an easy task, and took a team of highly skilled biochemist 2 years to develop.

Liposomal vitamin c is a modern technique to introducing nutrition c into your system. Liposomes use a phospholipid bilayer fashioned around water and, in this situation, vitamin c. The outer casing protects the nutrient internal from harm that might in any other case occur all through everyday digestion.

clinical trail

Multiple independent clinical tests have been conducted on Altrient C to look at the rate of liposome encapsulation, rate of absorption, effects on skin and the results are always impressive. Looking for the gold standard LivOn Labs logo provides piece of mind for genuine liposomal authenticity.

Altrient Lypo Spheric C Vitamin



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