Jumat, 03 Desember 2021

Alice Hart Davis Vitamin C

Alice Hart Davis Vitamin C

Alice Hart-Davis on Muck Rack

🔸 Founder of The Tweakments Guide 🔸 Honest advice on cosmetic procedures and skincare 🔸 Informing you about how tweakments work and what they cost

Can a laser as fine as a human hair tighten jowls and sagging lower lids?

Saggy skin is one of the unavoidable downsides of ageing and, to make matters worse, it doesn't just affect our face, it affects our neck and body too. Where once skin was springy and plump, the ageing process leads to a loss of volume and firmness. Add in the way we lose bone mass from the skull, and the way our facial fat pads shrink - or descend and gather under the jaw, and it is a recipe for sagging skin and jowls.  What can help sagging skin and jowls?

What's the buzz about radiofrequency microneedling?

Radiofrequency microneedling has been getting a lot of air time recently, in large part due to the publicity surrounding those before and after pictures of Judy Murray's amazing transformation by Dr Judy Todd (if you haven't seen them check them out on the blog I wrote about it at the time.)But what's so great about this treatment and why is it such a hot tweakment right now?

Does microneedling work?

Microneedling is one of those tweakments that has been around for so long that it tends to be overlooked in favour of newer, trendier or more exciting-sounding procedures, but here's the thing: microneedling really works. Here's what you need to know about it. What can microneedling do for the skin? Microneedling has tons of great effects on the skin. It improves the appearance of lines and wrinkles, smooths the texture of dry, rough skin and tightens sagging skin.

The essential fatty acids your skin can't do without

We know that omega-3 supplements such as fish oils offer a wide range of benefits -  but did you know just how great they are for our skin? What are Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)? Omega-3 EFAs are beneficial polyunsaturated fats that we can only get from our diets because our bodies cannot produce them. The two mostly commonly known types are omega-6 and omega-3. And it's omega-3 I am going to talk about here,  because we have more than enough omega-6 in our normal diets.

Those Judy Murray before-and-after photos - what's the fuss?

So, after all the coverage of Judy Murray's amazing transformation the other week, there's been a lot of discussion – sometimes quite heated discussion –  around the results. Firstly people started talking about whether or not you could trust the before and after pictures showing how she went from looking lined and covered in age spots, to looking fantastically fresh-faced over the course of a year.

Will the Covid-19 vaccine make my fillers swell up?

Over the past few months there have been headlines linking Covid-19 vaccines to problems with dermal fillers. I know lots of you have seen them, because, as the nationwide vaccination programme continues to roll out and the tweakments clinics prepare to re-open on April 12th, I've had a lot of messages asking for advice and reassurance about this.

Vitamin C serums and supplements: do you need both?

We all know that vitamin C is a vital component in our diets and you've probably heard that vitamin C is an extremely useful ingredient for our skin too. But, should you be applying vitamin C topically to your face or taking it as a supplement  - or both -  to get the best results? What can vitamin C do for my skin? Vitamin C is a brilliant ingredient for strengthening the skin and defending it against the environment.

Why stem cells are finding their way into skincare

They're the cutting edge of skincare science, they don't come cheap - and serums and creams containing 'growth factors' and 'stem cells' can get dragged into controversy. Why? I'll try to explain. Stem cells can come from animal, plant and human sources, and, yes, any product containing ingredients that are human-derived is what stirs up the problems. Are growth factors and stem cells the same thing?

Should young women be having tweakments?

Should young woman be doing Tweakments? I find this a really difficult topic to discuss because personally I wish they wouldn't, but that makes me sound like a real grumpy old reactionary --  and hypocritical as well because I've been doing these things for as long as I've been able to get hold of them and I'm sure if they had been around when I was 25, I would have been very curious to try them, too.

Yes, Collagen Supplements Will Smooth Your Skin

Do collagen supplements work? Absolutely. They will soften wrinkles and make your skin smoother - and help your joints, too. I used to be hugely sceptical about collagen supplements, but became a convert a few years ago. Collagen drinks and collagen powders are one of those newish arrivals on the beauty scene that look like so much snake oil: "Drink this potion and you will look more lovely!".

Dermalux Flex MD

Sale! Powerful medical-grade light therapy device £1,914.00 £1,799.00 Dermalux Flex MD quantity Pay in 3 installments with - no interest no fees. Free Delivery and 2 Year Warranty We accept: Alice says"I tried the Dermalux Flex at home during lockdown in spring 2020. I used it 4-5 times a week for 3 months and had detailed skin imaging done on a Visia machine before and after treatment.

Yes, I wear sunscreen in winter. Here's why.

When people find out what I do, they always ask me, "What can I do for my skin?" And when I tell them that the number one thing they should do is "wear sunscreen", it is often met with disappointment.

Winter skin flare-ups - what the dermatologist advises

When the cold weather hits and winter bites, our skin can react badly, as consultant dermatologist Dr Natalia Spierings knows. From the plummeting temperatures and icy winds outside to the central heating and hot showers and baths we take for comfort, winter can really take its toll on the complexion, sucking the moisture right out of it and leaving it dry and rough.

Using Hyalgen Serum™ to enhance skin rejuvenating energy treatments

Can using a specific energy-conducting serum enhance the results of ultrasound and radiofrequency treatments? For this week's Tweak of the Week, I went to visit Dr Rita Rakus, one of the longest-standing and most respected aesthetic doctors in the UK with an international and celebrity client base. Dr Rakus is well known for the impressive results she achieves using radiofrequency and ultrasound and for being open to trying new technologies.

Introducing... skincare bundles!

If you've had a look around the website recently, you'll have seen that the shop is now full of my favourite, hard-working 'cosmeceutical' skincare products, the ones that I know from experience will really give you the results you're looking for. But, lots of people have asked, how do you put them together into a regime for oily, or sensitive, or dry skin? Enter, the skincare bundles! What are the skincare bundles?

Tweak of the Week: Facial lifting and tightening with Cutera

What's the secret to tighter and better looking skin? Can one treatment really target fine lines, wrinkles, acne scars and photoaging at the same time as tightening, with minimal discomfort or recovery time? As we age the quality of our skin diminishes. It becomes duller and more sallow and loses its vibrancy and elasticity. Sun damage causes discoloration and wrinkling, while the breaking down of collagen causes everything to sag.

How I made my skin nine years younger during Lockdown#1

I've been promising to show you the detail of my results after using the Dermalux Flex device - and here they are. I was lent the device in April  just after lockdown had started in the UK.

What are 'cosmeceuticals'?

What are cosmeceuticals? Cosmeceuticals are specialised effective skincare products which are halfway between cosmetic skincare and prescription pharmaceutical skincare, hence the name. And they come from brands such as Paula's Choice, or Alpha H, or iS Clinical, NeoStrata, SkinBetter Science, SkinCeuticals or Medik8, and they tend to be the kind of brands that you will find through specialist skin clinics.

Talking about Botox on BBC Woman's Hour

Thank you Jane Garvey for having me on @bbcwomanshour and talking tweakments, and to Melanie Abbott for laying out all the facts and figures. The idea was to explore whether whether Botox is becoming normalised - and to look at the gendered nature of the emphasis on youthful looks. Tbh, I was surprised and delighted to be invited to talk about the topic.

TTG Review of BBC1: The Truth about Cosmetic Treatments

Was it just me, or was that programme last night (The Truth about Cosmetic Treatments, BBC1) dull as balls, as my son would say? It's not just sour grapes that I didn't manage to sneak my way onto it, honest (more of that later). It's more that, well, it was all super-predictable, wasn't it? And it missed the chance to make a few key points about this fast-growing industry. This is what the programme conveyed. There's a lot of cosmetic procedures going on.

As clinics reopen - what's the new normal for tweakments?

Finally, after 12 long weeks, clinics offering cosmetic procedures are starting to reopen. A few of them opened a week or so ago; many are waiting for the start of July, and refining their protocols. As some of you have been asking me whether this is ok and legal, I thought I'd put up this post to say yes, absolutely it is ok  - for doctors and dentists who are members of BCAM (the British College of Aesthetic Medicine) who are following the correct protocols.

Beauty gadgets: what are the best home use devices?

You've been asking for a proper round-up of home-use devices - the ones I have, the ones I use, the ones I mean to use but don't…  so here it is, from top to toe. You can watch the video I made about these devices for the full detail on why I like them, or get the gist from the text, below.  Cleansing: FOREO LUNA Mini 2: £99 l love this cleansing brush with its silicone bristles. It's effective, gentle on the skin, and the sonic vibrations help get the skin really clean.

Let's talk about... Marginal Gains in tweakments

Today I'm talking about marginal gains in tweakments. Marginal gains? Well, what I mean is that a lot of the time,  people ask, 'How much difference will this one procedure that I want to try really make?'TranscriptWell, it will make a bit of difference, but different tweakments work in different ways, and it may take more than one tweakment, and more than one round of treatment, to acheive the results you're after.

Let's Talk About... Marionette Lines

I'm getting a lot of questions about marionette lines at the moment -- the lines that drop from the outer corners of our mouths straight down towards our chin. Maybe that's because we're all more gloomy than usual during lockdown, and are catching sight of this in the mirror? Marionette lines are hard to love - and once you've noticed them on yourself, it's hard to stop seeing them. So what can you do about them?

Let's talk about... Crow's Feet Wrinkles

You might call them smile lines, you might call them 'crow's feet', but more to the point, what can you do about them? The skin around the eyes is thin and wrinkles easily, so few of us are going to escape the fine lines that settle in to this area. Good skincare, as ever, is the place to start in order to support and protect your skin - particularly since all the tweakments clinics are shut for the time being. Transcript Crow's feet wrinkles, the ones around the side of the eyes when you smile.

Alice Hart Davis Vitamin C

Source: https://muckrack.com/alice-hart-davis-1/articles


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